Foundation Repair services by Basement Systems Toronto Before & After

Foundation Repair Job in Toronto, ON

Ms. Melgar, residing in Toronto, Ontario, expressed concern about the potential instability of her foundation after noticing cracks on the inside and outside. Upon encountering our website through a Google search, she chose to complete the form for assistance. Swiftly, we reached out to her, extending an offer for a complimentary inspection and estimate. Our expert, Jason, journeyed to Toronto to meet with Ms. Melgar and conduct the inspection.

After thorough examination, Jason recommended a solution involving the permanent stabilization of the floors above the basement and the walls through the use of 1 SmartJack® Stabilizer steel pier and 2 PowerBrace™ Foundation Wall Repair Systems. Subsequently, we arranged a suitable time for the installation. Our skilled foreman, Colin, adhered to the schedule and efficiently completed the installation of the steel piers and the PowerBraces in the basement. The process unfolded seamlessly, with all components secured in place.

Ms. Melgar can now rest assured, knowing that her floors are steadfast and secure, free from the looming threat of collapse. Once again, our team at Basement Systems Toronto has triumphed in delivering a commendable outcome.

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Proudly Serving Ontario

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Basement Systems Toronto
1735 Bayly St
Pickering, ON L1W 3G7
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